Sandy Postal Codes: 84070, 84090, 84091, 84092, 84093 and 84094. Fence regulations specific to the city of Sandy will apply to these zip codes.

Your individual city/county will typically have specific requirements regarding fence installation. To that end, CFC Fences & Decks has provided the following information as a service to our customers.  While we have pulled this information and noted it below for your convenience, it would be best to check the city’s official website in case updates have occurred.

Sandy City Utah Fence Regulations:

Sandy City Utah Website

Planning and Zoning: 801-567-7256 >Go to current page > Government > Community Development > Zoning Ordinances >

Chapter 28 – FENCING

15A-28-03 Fences – Residential Standards

A. Side Yards and Rear Yards. In any required side or rear yard on lots, the height of fences shall not exceed 6 feet, unless otherwise allowed herein.

B. Front Yards. Fences in required front yards shall be allowed provided that solid type fences shall not exceed 3 fee, and open type fences, e.g., wrought iron, shall not exceed 4 feet.

C. Corner Lots. In addition to the other provisions contained in this Section, fences located on corner lots shall be subject to the following provisions:

1. Any fence, wall, and/or hedge on the front yard setback shall not exceed 3 feet if opaque construction or 4 feet if open construction.

2. In the side yard setback that fronts on a street, height up to 6 feet shall be allowed beyond 60 feet from the intersection measured from the intersecting extended curb lines. Height within the 60 foot area shall conform to the requirements of a front yard setback.

City Fence Regulations

HOA Fence Regulations