Cedar Split Rail
There are a variety of products and styles available for open space ranch-style fencing. One of them is the cedar split rail. This is the most rustic looking of the fences we offer and is very popular where privacy fencing isn’t needed or desired. It’s perfect for containing larger animals and defining a property. And with the option of adding galvanized steel mesh, smaller animals can be contained as well without blocking your view.
Like lodge pole or dimensional lumber fencing, it stands out as an attractive option to your property but doesn’t call a lot of attention to itself. We have installed miles of it over the years and it’s fairly easy for a do-it-yourselfer to build it as well.
The look of it harkens back to the open-space western so popular during the frontier days. The spacing on the posts is 10’ wide rather than the typical 8’ wide on other fences like the lodge pole treated pine that we also carry. This actually is an advantage if you have a lot of posts to set. For example, in a 100’ span you would set 10 posts + one terminal (end-of-line) post as opposed to 12 posts + one terminal post. On a large project, that could save you quite a bit of digging!
Because it is a light weight fence, you don’t need concrete, although you certainly have that option if you don’t want the fence to lean at all as the ground saturates. Typically, the posts are set 24” in the ground and the height ranges from about 3.5’ to 4.5’ depending on whether you get 2- or 3-rails.
We have split rail fencing on display at our location: 543 E 600 S in Provo. Stop by to take a look today!