Don’t Forget Blue Stakes
An essential part of any fence building project is requesting for all utilities to be marked. If CFC Fences & Decks is your fence contractor, we will be sure to request for the Blue Stakes ticket. For a do-it-yourself project, you will need call Blue Stakes at 811 to make the request, or go to their website at
When making a request, Blue Stakes will ask for the Utah address of the project and the area of the property that will be affected with digging. There is a special note box available for any specific instruction (i.e. where to mark or where not mark). CFC Fences & Decks always requests that permanent structures are not marked.
After a request is made, Blue Stakes will divide all utilities out to the appropriate company for the lines to be marked on your property. There are generally five or six companies going to the property to mark utilities. All Blue Stakes requests must be requested two requested two days prior to any digging and they are legal and valid for 14 days after the request has been made. So make sure to finish your fence in 2 weeks.
If there are any marks made within two feet of a fence line, the digging needs to be done very carefully and by hand. We’ve seen problems in nearly every city in Utah because some sort of utility line was hit.
Blue Stakes is an important resource to use when installing a fence, not only because it reduces the liability a home owner will have if any lines are hit, but also for safety. Many lines can be very dangerous if hit.
So, don’t forget to call Blue Stakes!
Seriously. Don’t forget.