Neighborhood Group Projects

It is not uncommon for a neighborhood or a local group to get together on a group fence project. This will save on the overall costs of a fence project, because of the savings that the installation company accrues by being in the same area. If you are considering a project in a new neighborhood you will want to get together as a group to first decide on what style(s) of fence you would like bid – most new neighborhoods want their fence lines to match.

Once you decide on a style you will want to talk about the layout of the fence line – and to make sure that the person that is spearheading the project knows the layout – so your bidders can bid the project apples to apples. In determining the layout of a fence there will also be gate placement decisions. If you are flexible in the location of a gate it can save on the overall costs of a project – there are many factors that make the gate placement a permanent area (sidewalks, driveways, rock paths, etc…). Our estimators will go over the most cost efficient (and practical) fence layout to help you make a decision.

If you are looking to do a group project in your area give us a call and we can set up a free estimate for you and your neighbors today!

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