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Sign an installation contract for your new rail fence

before March 1, 2019 and receive a 5% discount!

Call now at 801-374-6428 in Utah Country and 801-990-6888 in Salt Lake County.

Rail Fencing

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Treated Lodge Pole
Treated Lodge Pole
Treated Lodge Pole
Treated round posts and rails that are doweled to fit snugly into the posts
Cedar Split Rail
Cedar Split Rail
Cedar Split Rail
Split cedar posts and rails make this a good option for a rustic look
Cedar Ranch Rail
Cedar Ranch Rail
Cedar Ranch Rail
A great option for a more finished look
Steel Rail
Steel Rail
Steel Rail
There is not a stronger or nicer looking rail fence on the market

Compare and Contrast Rail Fencing

ProductLodge PoleSplit RailRanch RailIron Rail
Low MaintenanceNoNoYesYes
Post Spacing8′10′8′9′ 7 3/4″
Available ColorsGreenCedarCedarBlack, White
Price Range$$$+$$$

Rail Fencing

If you are looking for an economical way to define your boarders or to keep livestock in view our

options for a 2 or 3 rail fence. We have a rail fence to fit your need.

Whether you are looking for something rustic or stately.

Let’s get started

We know getting started can be a daunting process. We are here to help.
Connect with us to get information and estimates.