Park City Postal Codes: 84060, 84068 and 84098. Fence regulations specific to the city of Park City will apply to these zip codes.

Your individual city/county will typically have specific requirements regarding fence installation. To that end, CFC Fences & Decks has provided the following information as a service to our customers.  While we have pulled this information and noted it below for your convenience, it would be best to check the city’s official website in case updates have occurred.

Park City Utah Fence Regulations:

Park City Utah Website

Planning and Zoning: 435-615-5060 > go to current page > Municipal Codes > Zoning






  • (A) LOCATION. Fences and retaining walls may be erected or allowed within the buildable Area, and as allowed in the Setback exceptions in Chapter 2. Any Fence or retaining wall greater than six feet (6′) in height, within the Setback Areas, requires an administrative Conditional Use permit approved by the Planning, Building and Engineering Departments, unless the Fence or retaining wall is approved as part of a Master Planned Development (MPD) or Conditional Use permit. Any Fence or retaining wall greater than six feet (6′) in height requires a Building Permit.

Within any required Front Yard or Street Side Yard, Fences and retaining walls shall not exceed four feet (4′) in height, measured from Final Grade.

Fences and retaining walls shall not exceed six feet (6′) in height measured from Final Grade within any required Rear Yard or Side Yard. Where a Fence or retaining wall occurs along a Property Line separating two (2) Lots and there is a difference in the Grade of the Properties, the Fence or retaining wall may be erected or allowed to the maximum height permitted on either side of the Property Line.

  • (A) (1) EXCEPTION. The height of retaining walls in the Front Yard may exceed four feet (4′), measured from Final Grade, subject to approval by the Planning Director and City Engineer, and may exceed six feet (6′) in height subject to approval of an administrative Conditional Use permit or as approved as part of a Master Planned Development (MPD) or Conditional Use permit.
  • (B) The height of retaining walls in the Side or Rear Yards may exceed six feet (6′), measured from Final Grade, subject to approval of an administrative Conditional Use permit or as approved as part of a Master Planned Development or Conditional Use permit.

City Fence Regulations

HOA Fence Regulations