Bluffdale Postal Codes: 84065. Fence regulations specific to the city of Bluffdale will apply to these zip codes.

Your individual city/county will typically have specific requirements regarding fence installation. To that end, CFC Fences & Decks has provided the following information as a service to our customers.  While we have pulled this information and noted it below for your convenience, it would be best to check the city’s official website in case updates have occurred.

Bluffdale City Utah Website

Community Development Director: 801-254-2200

11.18.7 Fencing
Each applicant shall be required to furnish and install fences when the staff, Planning Commission, and/or City Council determine that a hazardous condition may exist. The fences shall be constructed according to standards found in the zoning ordinance and shall be noted as to height and material on the Final Plat. The Fire Chief must approve the fence if the fence is erected within five (5) feet of a fire hydrant. No Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the fence improvements have been duly installed. Projections into Setbacks
The following structures may be erected on or projected into any required setback:

1. Fences and walls in conformance with all applicable City ordinances and resolutions.
2. Appropriate landscaping.
3. Necessary appurtenances for utility service. Other Requirements
The following requirements are in addition to the requirements found in this Chapter, the General Provisions or
Supplementary Provisions of this ordinance, or any other applicable resolution or ordinance.

Fencing standards – Multi-Family projects shall be fenced on at least three sides by a six (6) foot sight obscuring fence, or other fencing, as determined necessary by the Planning Commission and City Council, to make the proposed project compatible with the surrounding area. (amended 21/11/2001 Ord. 2001-14)

12.9.14 Fences and Walls
Residential Zones
No fence, wall, living fence or similar device extending into or enclosing all or part of the front setback shall be constructed or maintained at a height greater than forty-two (42) inches, unless the fence is chain link or another open mesh fence. The fence must remain non-sight obscuring (defined as at least seventy (70) percent open space when viewed from either side of the fence) and shall not exceed sixty (60) inches in height. The permitted height of any fence, wall, living fence or similar sight obscuring device situated within any other portion of a lot shall be six (6) feet, except where the vision of an adjacent driveway may be affected.
Any fence that may affect the vision of an adjacent driveway shall satisfy the following conditions.

1. The fence shall not be sight obscuring and shall be constructed of chain link or other similar material and be no less than seventy (70) percent open space; or,
2. The fence shall be terminated no less than twenty (20) feet in each direction from the front corner of the lot adjacent to the affected driveway thus forming a line of sight triangle; or,
3. The fence shall be no more than forty-two (42) inches in height at a point no less than twenty (20) feet in each direction from the front corner of the lot adjacent to the affected driveway thus forming a line of sight triangle; or,
4. The owner of the affected driveway may, in writing, waive the fencing restrictions for the adjacent lot, provided that it can be shown that the backing of vehicles can be accomplished in a safe manner.

Applicants for a fence greater than six (6) feet in height must receive a conditional use permit in accordance with Chapter 12.13 herein. Minimum fence height for multi-family units is six (6 ) feet.

Non-Residential Zones
Fences, walls, and living fences may be constructed in non-residential zones up to six (6) feet high. Fence alignment may be at the back of sidewalk. All commercial areas on corner lots shall meet the clear view of intersecting street criteria as defined in Section 12.9.5.
The provisions of this Section shall not apply to:

1. Residential zones where the back property line of lots or developed property is adjacent to arterial roads or major highways, six (6) foot high visual barrier fences are allowed on the back property line along the road or highway right-of-way, and may be required at the discretion of the City Council as condition of site plan approval.
2. Fences required by state law to surround or enclose public utility installations, hazardous areas, public schools or other public buildings.

All fences and walls shall be constructed of substantial material and the design and construction shall be consistent with the quality of dwellings and other improvements within the surrounding area. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or to maintain any barbed wire, constantina or razor wire, or electric fence along or adjacent to any public street in the City.
Before commencing construction, plans for all fences, living fences and walls shall be submitted to and approved by the City.
Where, in the opinion of the City staff, a proposed fence, living fence or wall does not conform to the above criteria, the staff shall refer the application to the City Council for action. The City Council shall have the authority to reverse, affirm or modify any decision of the staff.

City Fence Regulations

HOA Fence Regulations